
‘How I Got Here’ or The Rocky Road of Becoming an Author

In 2002 I interviewed my parents about their experiences during WWII. They’d been kids, then youths in the post-war era, had met and fallen in love. But that’s not what I want to talk about here, I want to tell you about the first time I realized I loved writing. After that three-week task of …

‘How I Got Here’ or The Rocky Road of Becoming an Author Read More »

Wer bin ich?

Wer mehr über mich wissen möchte, kann z.B. den Artikel im Solingen Magazin oder das Interview beim Verlag tredition lesen. Interview bei tredition tredition: Was unterscheidet Ihren Roman von anderen?  Annette Oppenlander: Der zweite Weltkrieg ist ja in der Literatur schon sehr gründlich behandelt worden, vor allem der Holocaust und die Erfahrungen der Soldaten. Meine …

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A Great Reading and Upcoming Books

Last weekend I had the pleasure of participating in the fifth Literary Hike in the beautiful Vorwerk Park in Wuppertal. Under cloudy but dry skies eight authors and their roughly twenty guests walked and enjoyed beautiful settings together. At various picturesque sites throughout the park authors presented stories and poems. Since the German translation of …

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