Author events

A Difficult Book Fair, a New Novel and a Reading in the U.S.

When we moved to Germany six years ago, we had no idea when we would see the U.S. again. The pandemic hit and travel became impossible. Now it’s finally happening. I’m going to visit my old stomping grounds, Bloomington, Ind. for a family and friends visit. And as it happens, a reading at Morgenstern Bookstore, …

A Difficult Book Fair, a New Novel and a Reading in the U.S. Read More »

woman and man in front of large rock formation

Interviews about the Importance of Love and Historical Fiction

Youtube Podcast Discussion about the Importance of Love I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by the fabulous actress, singer and fellow author, Angelina Kalahari, about the importance of love in writing. We had quite a lively discussion about what it is we all crave and can’t always get in real life. And no, this …

Interviews about the Importance of Love and Historical Fiction Read More »


Autoreninterview am 25. März Wer am 25. März ein paar Minuten Zeit hat, kann sich auf der Seite der Authors Show mein englisches Interview zum biografischen und mehrfach ausgezeichneten Buch Vaterland, wo bist Du? anhoren. Das Interview wird 24 Stunden ausgestrahlt. Einfach auf die Seite gehen und den Buchtitel auswählen. Lesungen Bis auf weiteres sind …

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