Get your FREE Brand-new Intro to the Escape from the Past Trilogy

Hot off the press comes my FREE introduction/precursor to the ESCAPE FROM THE PAST trilogy. Some readers wondered how Max ended up in Germany and if there was anything amiss before he tried out EarthRider. This is a brief – short story length – intro, including a preview of the beginning of book one, THE DUKE’S WRATH.

Find out what happened when Max first arrived in Bornhagen and what went on in school…

Escape Intro 3dOvernight fifteen-year old Max is uprooted from the U.S. and finds himself struggling to adjust to life in Germany. Luckily he can escape reality and Michel, the bully in school, by playing computer games—most of the time. When Michel disappears under questionable circumstances, Max is too relieved to listen to his gut. He doesn’t realize he’s next in line…to disappear.

Download your FREE e-copy from your favorite online retailer, Smashwords or get the PDF of Escape from the Past: Game of Life now.