Tomorrow my daughter and I are going on a ten-day juice fast. Thanks to Netflix’s assortment of documentaries, we ran across “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,†the story of two overweight and very ill men who embarked on a journey to health.
Because of my husband’s health issues, we’ve been pretty health conscious already. We drink green smoothies every morning, eat a mostly alkaline diet, drink very little alcohol, no coffee. You get the idea. This does not mean, I’m totally healthy and by trying this juice fast for ten days, I want to see if I can get rid of a few pesky issues like the persistent layer of fat around my middle, headaches and fluctuating energy levels.
What I’m most worried about is that I’ll have to stop eating chocolate. As a self-professed chocoholic this will be my biggest challenge. But the benefits of a juice fast are so compelling that I’ve got to try it. The juice diet basically detoxifies your body and gives your organs a much-deserved break from all the crap it’s been dealing with for decades.

Well, I’m going to keep a daily log right here on this blog and share what we’re experiencing. Yesterday, we purchased 58 dollars worth of produce. During a juice fast your shopping list is short and your grocery trip fast. We purchased—all organic—carrots, celery, kale, granny smith apples, cucumber, oranges, lemon, spinach, parsley and ginger. According to the documentary it costs about thirty dollars per day per person to juice organically. Commercial produce costs about half, but since we want to detoxify, using commercially produced fruits and vegetables poisoned with chemicals is counterproductive.
We’ll plan to weigh ourselves every day, keep a log of how we feel and how we look. So, come and follow us along. It may not always be fun, but it should be entertaining.