Our recent month-long trip to Germany and the upcoming World Cup U.S.-German soccer game gave me the idea of comparing a few notes, things I chuckle about every time we visit the old country. There are the obvious differences like brats versus burgers. But that’s not what I’m talking about though the sheer number of bratwurst choices, we counted 47 varieties at the grocery store, is mind-boggling.

Before I delve into some of the weird disparities of these two countries—after all I’m an expert, having lived in both for more than 25 years—I’d like to point out that what I’m about to share is based on generalities. No offense to my friends and readers on either side of the Atlantic.
The Need to Be Polite
Americans are typically polite, at least when in public. If you’re even close to bumping into someone at the grocery store, you always express how sorry you are. Excuse me, sorry, you make your way through the produce section, carefully maneuvering your cart past fellow shoppers. In Germany, people waltz straight into you without uttering a word or sneak in front of you in the cashier line, no matter that you’ve waited patiently for the last 15 minutes.

The Question of Trustworthiness
Maybe the reason to distrust is rooted in living through the Indian Wars and the Wild West, when lying and cheating was common place. No matter what the reason, when we reserve a room or a car we must always pay first. At least guarantee payment with our credit card. Not so in Germany. There you can still book a two-week vacation on your word alone. Once your host confirms your stay, all you have to do is show up. I guess, so far, customers do show up or people would be more careful.

Where is My Water
You’ll not find a restaurant in the U.S. that doesn’t serve you free (albeit often unfiltered) water with your meal. A person on a budget can save a couple of bucks this way. Either way, we can stay hydrated. Drinks in Germany are neither free nor cheap. Serving tap water is unknown. Rather one orders mineral water which is served in tiny glasses and even tinier bottles. Though we love mineral water, we always order the “large†bottle, about 25 ounces, which sets us back five Euros. For Americans used to 64-ounce cups from the gas station this can get expensive. On the upside beer is typically more reasonable than water and served in large glasses. Who needs water anyway?

And the Ice?
Most of the time I don’t care for ice in my drink. In fact, the obsession with ice is a bit over the top as water and soft drinks contain more ice cubes than liquid. In the summer, I admit, it’s nice to sip a cold drink with ice. The cubes melt and we still get to enjoy a drink to refresh our insides. Ice cubes are not part of the German menu. Even when it’s 90 degrees outside, a restaurant doesn’t serve ice in its drinks. We suffered a bit this year when the temperature was unseasonably hot at 85 degrees and no ice could be found in my father’s house. On the other hand he freely shared Magnums, his favorite ice cream.
Driving Skills
Driving in the States has its advantages. It’s a lot less stressful. Streets and parking spots are wide, speeds are slow—though sometimes too slow especially when traveling through Kansas. Maybe because streets are broad and straight, Americans don’t drive well. In Germany you’ve got to be on your toes. On the Autobahn speeds are in places unlimited. Beamers and Mercedes race past at 150 miles per hour. City streets, no wider than a car-and-a-half, wind around in corkscrew fashion. You only find a parking spot if you’ve clocked a hundred hours of parallel parking. Which makes Germans the better drivers. Why? Because they have to.

I could go on, of course. Maybe after we’ve won the soccer game. Which leaves the largest challenge: Who am I going to root for?

Terrific comparisons! I went through similar thoughts when we took our trip to China. In fact, even China versus Hong Kong yielded huge differences. And both of those are very different from the U.S.
The driving thing: oh my goodness; so true! The first time I went to Europe was with a tour, and I about had a heart attack watching our driver maneuver the huge tour bus through the tiny European streets.