5 Months: The Wait – NEW

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ISBN: 978-3-948100-59-9
Price: $7.99 eBook $2.99
Paperback Page Count: 92
Publication Date: February 28, 2025

Based on true events – a companion novella to 47 Days: The True Story of Two Teen Boys Defying Hitler’s Reich and 24 Hours: The Trade

Biographical stories perfect for young adults, teen boys and reluctant readers

Solingen, Germany, April 1945: The town of Solingen has surrendered to American troops—the war is over. But for sixteen-year-old Günter nothing feels normal, even without bombs or threats from the SS. There’s still nothing to eat, stores are empty, streets and houses buried under rubble. Worst of all, Günter’s father is missing and there hasn’t been a word from his brother, Hans, since December.

As Günter resumes the daily task of finding food, he and his best friend, Helmut, are invited to join the American boxing club at a local school, only to realize that they can’t handle the strenuous sport on a starvation diet. When Germany capitulates on May 8, 1945, and American, Russian, British, and French armies are taking control of government, German men trickle back into town, many injured or maimed—and every day, Günter waits.

By June, he is frantic. What happened to Hans and his father? Will they return at all? And if so, in what state? For six long years, Günter’s grit and perseverance, the will to survive and get ahead have saved him… But what is he fighting for, if his family will never be whole again?

Based on my father’s memories as a youth in World War II, 5 MONTHS explores what millions of people went through immediately following the end of WWII in Europe, when millions of men were held in POW camps, many more injured, dead or outright missing.