Fiktion oder Wahrheit Vaterland Buch
Kostenloses PDF
Wer mehr über die Hintergrundgeschichte meines biografischen Romans, Vaterland, wo bist Du? wissen möchte, kann hier das kostenlose PDF herunterladen. Den Podcast und den Beitrag über die Wichtigkeit von historischen Geschichten in der Literatur gibt es unter den Links in englischer Sprache.
Interviews about the Importance of Love and Historical Fiction
Englischer Youtube Podcast über die Rolle der Liebe beim fiktiven Schreiben
I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by the fabulous actress, singer and fellow author, Angelina Kalahari, about the importance of love in writing. We had quite a lively discussion about what it is we all crave and can’t always get in real life. And no, this is not about romance writing because as you know my stories are always historical and while they contain a love interest, love is not the main theme as in historical romance.
Interview in Shelf Unbound Magazine
I was also asked to write an article about the importance of historical fiction for Shelf Unbound Magazine. I realize I’m biased because I just love the genre.
Read the interview pages 132/133 …